A Framework for Ontological Policy Reconstruction: Academic Knowledge Transfer in the Netherlands as a Case Study


  • Marc Pauly University of Groningen


public policy, ontology, academic knowledge transfer, logic, valorization


This paper provides a framework for analyzing the ontology underlying a given public policy, i.e. the categories and concepts used by the policy. It provides a set of questions concerning the language, logic and deontology of a policy and their development over time. The framework is applied to a particular case study, the valorization policy for Dutch universities, in order to suggest the usefulness of the framework in the design and normative evaluation of public policy.


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How to Cite

Pauly, Marc. 2016. “A Framework for Ontological Policy Reconstruction: Academic Knowledge Transfer in the Netherlands As a Case Study”. Journal of Social Ontology 2 (2). Vienna, Austria:303-23. https://journalofsocialontology.org/index.php/jso/article/view/6837.


