Journal of Social Ontology: Announcements 2022-01-03T16:07:12+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>The <em>Journal of Social Ontology</em> (JSO) is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to <strong>social ontology</strong> and <strong>collective intentionality</strong> that was founded in 2015 and is published as an open access journal. It is supported by <a href="">International Social Ontology Society</a> and the University of Vienna.</p> <p>The Journal of Social Ontology publishes work in social ontology broadly understood. Social ontology is about the nature and (presumed) existence of social phenomena, such as cooperation, institutions, laws, social collectives, and social categories (e.g., gender and race). Work in other areas with a clear relevance to questions of social ontology, including empirical work, is also considered within the scope of the journal.</p> <p>The journal provides a forum for exchanges between scholars of diverse disciplinary and methodological backgrounds. In addition to major articles, JSO publishes shorter discussion articles and book reviews.</p> Journal of Social Ontology Continues as a Self-Published Open Access Journal 2022-01-03T16:00:58+00:00 Journal of Social Ontology <p>Since its conception in 2015, Journal of Social Ontology has quickly established itself as a high-ranked specialist journal in Philosophy. Up until now, Journal of Social Ontology has been published by De Gruyter on a fully Open Access basis. We are very pleased to announce that, as of 2022, Journal of Social Ontology will be a fully Open Access journal that is entirely self-published. Journal of Social Ontology continues to be funded by International Social Ontology Society, and will receive additional funding from the University of Vienna to support this move. This step will serve to safeguard the future of Journal of Social Ontology as a fully Open Access venue which makes papers freely available to all readers without any cost to authors, their institutions, or those who submit papers – something to which ISOS and the Editorial Board are deeply committed. As of 2022, Journal of Social Ontology will publish all articles on this new website. Please see Submissions for more information about how to submit your articles via our new website.</p> <p>We look forward to your continued submissions!</p> <p>The Editorial Board</p> 2022-01-03T16:00:58+00:00